Biyernes, Nobyembre 15, 2013

After all the hardships and some noticeable problems which came through while Vitrubot was under reconstruction, our team is  proud to say that you can now call Vitrubot a fully competitive robot which has the capabilities of winning the competition. We are all happy to know that those efforts which you cannot count in just one hand was all worth it. And just by seeing the finished output relieves us all that we are able to satisfy the qualifications and expectations and  meet the deadline for us to be able to join the "TAGISANG ROBOTICS" which will be held just a few more days from now.

Well, everyone has a goal right? Just like everyone else, we have our own goals.

O U R    G O A L S    A R E:

First, to be able to finish Vitrubot with no dilemma at all.

Second, to meet  the deadline and be able to join the TAGISANG ROBOTICS.

And last but not the least is that we aim  to bring home the bacon by getting a winning place
to the aforementioned competition. We really tried our best indeed and loosing is not included in our vocabularies and of course  with GOD's will, everything will be okay then.

We all know that you are all craving and dying to see Vitrubot so here it is.


P   r  e  s  e  n  t  i  n  g    V   I   T   R   U   B   O   T :


(  P   r  e  p  a  r  e   t  o     b  e      A  m  a  z  e  d  )

* F R O N T     V  I E W *

* B A C K   V I E W *

* S  I D E    V I E W *

* C L O S E R     L O O K *

Now you see how  Vitrubot became much better than ever. This is just a sneak peek. You
may have seen his features but not yet his skills programmed by our team engineers. So
keep on reading our blog to see the real and full Vitrubot.

*Keep on reading our posts that will surely keep you updated!*

-  P s e u d o n  y  m  ✍

Previously, our team has encountered a huge problem... Vitrubot has exceeded the size limit required by the guidelines. The robot should fit perfectly inside a 2 ft x 2 ft x 2 ft box, although Vitrubot had 2 inches excess. So the team was back to square one. They had opted to build a new Vitrubot body which is of the correct size rather than just adjusting the size of the existing Vitrubot body.

The Engineers sacrificed two school days in order to work on the new Vitrubot. The team met on Monday, November 11, to correct Virtubot's size. They then started working.

The internal works were still retained since the only problem was the size. But building Vitrubot's body all over again gave the Engineers the opportunity to once again check the internal of Vitrubot to make sure everything works fine. A few alterations were made, though, to ensure Vitrubot's functionality is 100% okay.

Plywood was used once again to make Vitrubot's body. This time, the Engineer's were very careful in cutting the plywood down to its right size so as to avoid having an excess in size again.

With the help of everyone, we have strong hopes that the robot will be finished in time for the competition. With our Engineers' hardwork we can surely do it, we're sure of it!

-The Adjudicator

Lunes, Nobyembre 11, 2013

We would like to thank the PTA members and Board of Directors who provided donations for the “Tagisang Robotics” Competition. The donations we received are of great help and support to our class, IV – Boyle. The amount we received were used to buy the materials needed for upgrading the system of our robot. We appreciate the help that you've given us, and once again, Thank you! More Power!

*A sample of the letter that we gave to the PTA

The Engineers have sacrificed a lot of things (to finish Vitrubot), and sleep is one of those things. On October 25, they had a sleepover at Jose Licuanan’s house. Due to some problems, I wasn’t able to come during the evening. So I went during the morning . And this is what greeted me:

Unfortunately, I was already too late since they were almost about to leave. But somehow, I’m still lucky because I was able to see this:

*Vitrubot with a pair of good looking wheels

But something still needs to be done with Vitrubot, so some of us went again to Wildy’s, while some went home.

We left it there again, hoping for a better Vitrubot.
What happens next? Watch out for more!

Sabado, Nobyembre 9, 2013

 Last Tuesday, November 5, 2013, The Tagisang Robotics Technical Training was held. It’s the last day of entertaining queries and repairing of broken materials by ThinkLab, the organizer of the Tagisang Robotics 2013. Reinelle Jan Bugnot, our team leader went there together with Carl Vanne Anthony Cruz, his co - engineer and Ms. Hazel Castro, our Robotics teacher. This day was a tough one for them because they encountered a great deal of problems.

Read more to know the problems they’ve stumbled upon and how they managed to solve them. 

Huwebes, Nobyembre 7, 2013

Besides making team logos, the group that stayed in the house made designs for Vitrubot’s head. This isn’t final yet, but it looks like it’s more than complete. With something like this, I can’t wait for the finished product. If they will decide not to continue with this design, maybe it’s because they have come up with something better.

While one of the groups was on hand with Vitrubot, one group made designs, the last group took care of the materials needed. They went to Sta. Lucia East Grand Mall to buy those materials.

The materials that they bought are:
·         Paint Brushes
·         3/16 Plywood
·         Enamel (Red, White, Black)
·         Sand paper
·         Nails
·         Stranded wires

                                                        * Stranded Wires

What will happen next? Watch out for the next articles to know what!

Martes, Nobyembre 5, 2013

BRACE YOURSELVES! This post contains lots of photos, possibly even more than the text itself! 

The Resistance does have many ups and downs. But we make sure that despite those trials, we would achieve something in the end. So now I am happy to say that Vitrubot is near 50% complete! (It may not sound much, but for us it's a great big step towards our goal.)

Previously, the team was able to finish Vitrubot's framework. But who wants a Viturbot with only metal bars for a body? So, the team went out to work with some plywood and paint for Vitrubot's figure.

Then, the team went to Wildy's Welding to get some help in assembling the plywood parts and other parts that needs the help of a professional.

So Vitrubot went from this:

To this:

 And finally this:

 Of course, the team won't leave the color of Vitrubot to just the dull, boring plywood color, so the members grabbed their paintbrushes and started painting Vitrubot. White was painted for the first coat and red will be painted for the final coat.

And there you have it! A giant step towards Vitrubot's completion!

After working on the external parts, the team also worked on the robot's programming.

-The Adjudicator