After all the hardships and some noticeable problems which came through while Vitrubot was under reconstruction, our team is proud to say that you can now call Vitrubot a fully competitive robot which has the capabilities of winning the competition. We are all happy to know that those efforts which you cannot count in just one hand was all worth it. And just by seeing the finished output relieves us all that we are able to satisfy the qualifications and expectations and meet the deadline for us to be able to join the "TAGISANG ROBOTICS" which will be held just a few more days from now.
Well, everyone has a goal right? Just like everyone else, we have our own goals.
O U R G O A L S A R E:
First, to be able to finish Vitrubot with no dilemma at all.
Second, to meet the deadline and be able to join the TAGISANG ROBOTICS.
And last but not the least is that we aim to bring home the bacon by getting a winning place
to the aforementioned competition. We really tried our best indeed and loosing is not included in our vocabularies and of course with GOD's will, everything will be okay then.
We all know that you are all craving and dying to see Vitrubot so here it is.
P r e s e n t i n g V I T R U B O T :
( P r e p a r e t o b e A m a z e d )
* F R O N T V I E W *
Now you see how Vitrubot became much better than ever. This is just a sneak peek. You
may have seen his features but not yet his skills programmed by our team engineers. So
*Keep on reading our posts that will surely keep you updated!*
- P s e u d o n y m ✍