Previously, our team has encountered a huge problem... Vitrubot has exceeded the size limit required by the guidelines. The robot should fit perfectly inside a 2 ft x 2 ft x 2 ft box, although Vitrubot had 2 inches excess. So the team was back to square one. They had opted to build a new Vitrubot body which is of the correct size rather than just adjusting the size of the existing Vitrubot body.
The Engineers sacrificed two school days in order to work on the new Vitrubot. The team met on Monday, November 11, to correct Virtubot's size. They then started working.
Plywood was used once again to make Vitrubot's body. This time, the Engineer's were very careful in cutting the plywood down to its right size so as to avoid having an excess in size again.
With the help of everyone, we have strong hopes that the robot will be finished in time for the competition. With our Engineers' hardwork we can surely do it, we're sure of it!
The Engineers sacrificed two school days in order to work on the new Vitrubot. The team met on Monday, November 11, to correct Virtubot's size. They then started working.
The internal works were still retained since the only problem was the size. But building Vitrubot's body all over again gave the Engineers the opportunity to once again check the internal of Vitrubot to make sure everything works fine. A few alterations were made, though, to ensure Vitrubot's functionality is 100% okay.
-The Adjudicator