Martes, Oktubre 29, 2013




Despite of the exhausting days & sleepless nights of each of the 

engineers of our team on making Vitrubot they are all still eager to 

finish the redesigning of Virtubot’s framework and replacing 

some  of its parts.

Here is the continuation of the sneak peak of 

what’s happening as of the moment: ( DAY 4)

The Engineering team is then again  separated into two teams to 

have  a more easy access of monitoring and on handling the re-making

slash enhancing of  our robot: Vitrubot. And also to profoundly use 

the remaining time  for us to prepare before the awaited competition.

TEAM A ; Alonzo Miranda and Carl  Cruz together with our team 

leader Reinelle Bugnot  went to the welding shop  to make sure that

the alignment of the motors and the wheels are proper and right after 

that they made the base of the robot which is mainly important 

for it’s framework.






* Team A : Alonzo Miranda , Carl Cruz , Reinelle Bugnot *






( A l i g n m e n t   o f   m o t o r s)





( A l i g n m e n t   o f   w h e e l s  &  m o t o r s)

Meanwhile, TEAM B ; Lucky Mores, Alyanna Castronuevo, 

Kenneth Sumang, Gabriel Blanco, Daniel Nuñez and Franz Palmero  

has  a smart way of distributing the tasks  to each of the member of 

the  team. But first and foremost they all prioritized to measure and 

disassemble the robot for them to have a closer look on the parts 

which made up our robot. Boys in this team particularly Franz Palmero 

and Gabriel Blanco also painted the plywood to be used on Vitrubot's 


* More  updates about  the   re-making  of   Vitrubot  will  be  posted  on  the  next  few  days. 
Just  keep  on  reading  our  posts  that  will  surely  keep  you  updated! *

-  P s e u d o n  y  m  ✍